Hello! Welcome to Arts & Crafts with Popsicle!
Picture Day! Today we have a fun, creative activity that will help capture memories for the whole family!
Follow my lead as we create a Popsicle Stick Picture Frame
What We’ll Need:
To complete this craft, we’ll need:
- Popsicle Sticks
- Glue
- Crayons or Markers
- Plain Paper
- Scissors
- Pipe Cleaners
- Glitter
- Beads
AND - Ribbon
- Glue four Popsicle sticks together into a square, then color them your favorite colors
- Draw a picture on plain paper to showcase in your frame. You can draw yourself, your friends, your pet, your favorite food, anything! Then glue it in place behind your frame.
- Get creative and add more Popsicle sticks to create fun shapes or extra layers around your picture.
- Decorate with beads, glitter, pipe cleaners, and ribbon.
- Glue ribbon to the back to hang up your creation, or glue extra Popsicle sticks to the bottom as a stand.